Welcome to the future of people-based marketing. As the best predictor of consumer response, Wiland equips you with the world’s most accurate media targeting possible: finely tuned audiences and enhancement data that let you connect to millions of consumers ready to spend with your brand. You’ll be reaching these buyers before your competitors even know they are in market.
This first-mover advantage enables superior return on marketing investment across all addressable channels. That’s because our audiences and data are built from the largest set of spending and intent signals ever assembled, analyzed by Wiland’s advanced AI-enabled response prediction platform.
The most valuable signals for predictive modeling and audience creation are individual-level transactions—people spending money on the things that matter to them. This is scarce yet highly predictive data—and Wiland has more of these signals than anyone. Our massive data covers individual-level consumer spending with tens of millions of merchants and brands. These unsurpassed insights flow into our modeling platform where we create ultra-responsive audiences ready for activation across all platforms, channels, and devices. These massive spending signals also enable the creation of thousands of predictive data elements that can enhance your customer data and marketing analytics environment.
In addition to these powerful spending signals, we also analyze the largest social-spending graph of American consumers. So not only do we have the best consumer spending data, we also have superior behavior and interest signals that enrich our audience models and enhancement data. With Wiland as your data partner, you can be more confident than ever that your marketing programs will be fueled by the most accurate purchase intent data available.
Ask Marty McFly: Seeing the future changes everything.
We assemble trillions of continuously refreshed signals, resolving them to the identities of 250 million U.S. consumers, and then organize them for analysis using the most sophisticated AI-enabled machine learning. Our analytics platform takes predictive marketing to the next level, equipping you to target the people most likely to buy from your brand today and continue to make repeat purchases.
The future belongs to those who can predict it. Seize the data.
OK, our massive data is powerful. And our predictive analytics are amazing. But sometimes you just need nice, smart people to help with building out your targeted media buying.
So, we’re here to help.
We have an unsurpassed breadth of experience here at Wiland—experts in targeted media buying from both the agency side and the many vertical markets we serve. We’re glad to geek out about the data or help you with segmenting your media buy. Just tell us what a big win looks like for your brand, and we’ll help get you there.
Put the power of our massive spending data and response prediction technology to work in your next campaign.
Since 2005, we have assembled the brightest minds, the best technology, and the most consumer spending data to be able to do one thing: create audiences that respond to your offers and spend with your brand. Beyond fueling the success of thousands of organizations, we have pioneered many of the most important advances in targeted marketing technology.
Because we deal with data all day, every day, we are the ultimate realists when it comes to marketing metrics. But when it comes to the future, we are confirmed optimists, believing that for every client in every vertical we serve, exciting opportunities are always on the horizon.
We have good reason for this kind of optimism. Our track record of connecting brands and consumers is unsurpassed. The proof of this success: we enjoy a 97% retention rate of our top 500 clients.
In addition to our reputation as technology innovators, Wiland is also a company recognized for its culture of honesty, integrity, and transparency. Clients, vendors, partners, and consumers are treated with the utmost respect and kindness as valued stakeholders in the company’s success.