More Repeat Purchases


Double-Down on Repeat Buyers

More Repeat Purchases

High recurring revenue begins with targeting consumers who are most likely to spend multiple times with your brand. So how do you know which new prospects to target?

That’s where we can help. Analyzing massive, individual-level consumer spending data, we craft custom marketing audiences that drive acquisition of new customers who will be responsive to your offers now and who will become long-term, high-frequency buyers.

So rather than spending marketing dollars to reach people who might respond but merely shop around, you could be targeting new customers who will purchase from you multiple times over many years.

We also help you identify the customers on your housefile who are worth additional marketing investment because of their higher likelihood of making multiple purchases. By consistently targeting your online and offline marketing to these high-value customers, you can expect a superior return on ad spend, greater customer loyalty, and increased share of customer wallet.

Find More Repeat Buyers Now!

Let us engineer a custom prospect audience of likely repeat buyers for you to use in your upcoming campaigns.

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