Wiland Blog

Essential New Report: The Advertiser’s Guide to Campaign Optimization

Busy media buyers and planners running multiple campaigns are looking for ways to speed things up. Even though the clock is ticking, the smart money is on slowing down. That’s where better results begin.

By Wiland Editorial Team | June 5, 2024

Like everything else these days, advertising campaigns are done at warp speed. They’re often quickly built and launched—then quickly forgotten—in anticipation of the next flight of ads.

To help marketers break through this over-accelerated cycle, Wiland worked with our partners at Digiday to create The Advertiser’s Guide to Campaign Optimization: Tactics and Insights for Improving Digital Performance Through Data. You can read it here now.

This insightful new report plots out a more thoughtful approach to campaign planning and execution. It suggests that agencies and brands who take the extra time to work with audience and data partners to select better audiences, optimize campaigns in flight, and apply past learnings to future campaigns to achieve better results.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the report.

  • Transparency fuels campaign analysis. If all of the parties involved—brand, agency, and data partner—trust each other enough to share intelligence, the process and the results are certain to benefit.
  • Analyzing past performance is the key to improve future campaigns. Slowing down just a bit to examine and understand the variables from past campaigns might be the single most important factor in making future campaigns more successful.
  • Audience evaluation and selection should be given more time and attention. DSPs and walled gardens might have the right audiences for a campaign—but they might not. Take time to take a look at all your audience options—including custom audiences modeled from your best customers.
  • Optimizing active campaigns is part science and part art. Knowing when you’ve accumulated statically significant results—and then knowing what to do with those results to tweak the campaign—can be the difference between OK results and excellent returns.
  • Selecting the right data partner makes all the difference. We know one if you’re interested.

Whatever role you play in your organization’s digital campaigns, The Advertiser’s Guide to Campaign Optimization: Tactics and Insights for Improving Digital Performance Through Data will help you reach and exceed your KPI targets now and in the future. Read the report here.
