Wiland Blog

Tag: “predictive modeling”

Unlocking the Power of Data Collaboration: Insights from Our Recent Webinar

Second- and third-party data are now the keys to more profitable marketing. Find out why in this on-demand webinar featuring experts from Winterberry Group and Wiland.

By Wiland Editorial Team | June 14, 2024

Woman working with Post-Merge-Optimization
Using Post-Merge Optimization to Increase Direct Mail Efficiency

Focus on the donors most likely to give to your organization and avoid wasting precious fundraising dollars on unresponsive names.

By Wiland Editorial Team | April 17, 2024

Practical Strategies for Using AI to Achieve Fundraising Excellence

What fundraisers need to know about unlocking the power of AI to drive results for their organizations

By Wiland Editorial Team | February 16, 2024

AI Targeted Marketing
The Role of AI in Targeted Marketing: What You Need to Know

Our AI and data experts dispel common misconceptions and discuss AI’s proven applications for targeted marketing

By Wiland Editorial Team | January 23, 2024

The Marketers Field Guide in the wild
The Field Guide to Better Customer Marketing: How to Generate More Revenue from Your Current Customers

New resource from Wiland explores how consumer brands can achieve peak customer marketing performance

By Wiland Editorial Team | February 13, 2023

Top Questions You Should Be Asking Your Data Partners Going Into 2023

Wiland experts weigh in on what marketers need to be discussing with their data partners to ensure a successful year ahead.

By Wiland Editorial Team | December 16, 2022

The Art and Science of Multi-Model Marketing Audiences
The Art and Science of Multi-Model Marketing Audiences

What are multi-model solutions and why are they so valuable for data-driven marketers?

By Emma Nicoletti | February 17, 2022

Always Be Co-Targeting
ABC: Always Be Co-Targeting

How reaching donors both online and off boosts campaign response across channels

By Jennifer Ingram | January 11, 2022

How to Reach the Right B2B Buyers
How to Reach the Right B2B Buyers

Q&A with our experts on how B2B marketers can improve acquisition and ROI in today’s challenging landscape

By Wiland Editorial Team | November 15, 2021

Diversifying Nonprofit Donor Bases
Diversifying Nonprofit Donor Bases for Growth and Sustainability

What is diversity modeling, how does it work, and how could it benefit your organization?

By Emma Nicoletti | October 28, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Demystified for Data-Driven Marketers
Artificial Intelligence Demystified for Data-Driven Marketers

The truth about AI and its value in data-driven marketing

By Emma Nicoletti | August 5, 2021